Accendo Capital
Accendo Capital’s strategy is to invest in listed Northern European companies where shareholder value is created through active ownership.
The strategy has a particular focus on companies that drive or benefit from technological innovation.
Accendo strives to be a dedicated, entrepreneurial shareholder that improves portfolio companies’ strategic clarity, financial understanding, and interest alignment among owners, Board, and management.
Read more about our strategy and vision here
Active ownership
Portfolio positions are sourced from our investment universe and built with insight from understanding the companies and creating an activist agenda that we can achieve with a collaborative engagement.
Selected recent awards
HFM European Performance Awards 2020 and 2021: Best Event Driven Fund - Winner
EuroHedge Awards 2020: Best European Equity 5 year performance – Winner
Hedgeweek European Awards 2021: Best Event Driven Fund – Winner; 2022 Manager of the year
Hedge Fund Review - European Performance Awards 2020: Best >100m directional hedge fund five years
HedgeNordic Awards: podium for Best Nordic Equity Hedge Fund 2020, 2021